
中央银行独立性立法的世界趋势与国际比较 被引量:2

Central Bank Independence:World Trend and International Comparison
摘要 中央银行在现代货币金融体系乃至经济体系中占据无可替代的地位。三百多年的历史进程中,各国中央银行法律制度不断建立与健全,而中央银行法律地位也随之经历了高度独立、丧失独立性、回复独立的曲折发展。美国联邦储备银行、日本银行以及欧洲中央银行堪称世界范围内中央银行的三大巨头,相关保障中央独立性的法律制度具有代表性,值得我国借鉴与学习。 Central bank occupies an irreplaceable position in the monetary and financial system and economic system. During the past 300 years, the legal system of central banks in the world has been established and improved continuously, and the legal status of central banks has experienced tortuous development from high - degree of independence to loss of independence, and restoration of independence. US Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of Japan and European Central Bank can be called the three central bank giants in the world, their legal systems safeguarding the central independence are typical and deserve our reference and learning.
作者 闫海
机构地区 辽宁大学法学院
出处 《广西财经学院学报》 2008年第3期53-58,共6页 Journal of Guangxi University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社科基金项目"银行法律制度改革与完善研究"(项目编号:04CFX009)的阶段性成果
关键词 中央银行独立性 美国联邦储备银行 日本银行 欧洲中央银行 central Bank Independence US Federal Reserve Bank Bank of Japan European Central Bank
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