
北京亚运村及周边地区中学生体育活动动机与运动感受 被引量:1

Sports' Motivation and Feeling of Adolescents in Beijing Yayuncun Community and Surrounding Areas
摘要 目的了解北京亚运村社区及周边地区青少年体育活动、运动动机和运动感受情况,为有针对性地开展促进青少年健康的"健康奥运、健康北京"相关活动提供依据。方法选择北京亚运村社区及周边地区(直径不超过2 km)几所中学初二和高二年级学生共455人,使用自行设计的"北京市典型社区奥运健康遗产项目青少年调查表",了解青少年体育活动、运动动机和运动感受状况。结果男生体育活动参与率最高的是篮球(79.70%),女生为散步(65.48%);男生体育活动的内部动机、外部动机、积极感受均高于女生(P值均<0.01);打篮球男生的内部动机、外部动机、积极感受均强于不打篮球的男生(P<0.05或P<0.01),散步女生的内部动机、外部动机均高于不散步的女生(P值均<0.05)。结论应开展丰富多采的体育活动,创造良好的运动环境和条件,促进青少年身体素质的提高。 Objective To study the physical activity, sports' motivatian and feeling of adolescents in Beijing Yayuneun community and surrounding areas, and to provide baseline data for improving adolescents' health h.y program related to " Healthy Olympic Games , Healthy Beijing". Methods From a Yayuncun community and surrounding areas in Beijing Chaoyang district, ,155 students in junior high school ( grade 8 ) and senior high school(grade 11 ) were selected to answer " Beijing Typical Community Adolescent Questionnaire", through which the adolescents'physical activity, sports'motivation and feeling were investigated. Results It showed that the top participating percent was basketball playing ( 79.70% ) in boys and walking )65.48% ) in girls. Further analysis disclosed that boys had stronger intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and exercise-induced positive feeling than girls( P 〈0. Ol ). Meanwhile, boys playing basketball had stronger intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and exercise-induced positive feeling than those not playing. More over, walking girls had stronger intrinsic and extrinsic motivation than those not walking( P 〈0.05 ). Conclusion Diverse sport activities and sport promoting environment are key factors to improve adolescents'physical fitness.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第7期581-582,584,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 北京市科技计划项目(编号:Z0004028040191)
关键词 体育运动 动机 篮球 步行 评价研究 学生 Sports Motivation Basketball . Walking Evaluation studies Students
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