

Construct and Select Methods of Probing Targets Set in Large Scale Topology Discovery for IPv6 Networks
摘要 探测目标点的数量及分布位置对网络拓扑发现的覆盖率和探测效率有直接的影响,因此成为网络拓扑发现研究领域一直关注的焦点。本文针对目前大规模网络拓扑发现目标点相关研究现状,提出了两种目标点集合构建方法,在对目标点冗余分析的基础上提出了相应的探测目标点选取方法。最后通过对CERNET-2骨干网络的实际测试,说明了本文提出的这些方法可以推广至国家级规模的IPv6网络拓扑发现应用中。 The numbers and locations of probing targets problem affect the coverage and efficiency of topology discovery directly,so they are being focus and difficulties in the domain of topology discovery. This paper raised 2 kinds of methods on the construction of probing target sets based on the background of research of probing target for large scale topology discovery. This paper.also raised 2 kinds of probing targets select methods based on the research of probing redundancy. In the end, this paper proposed the results of topology discovery for the part of the backbone of CERNET- 2 and proved these proposed methods could be extended to large scale topology discovery for IPv6 networks.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期19-21,共3页 Computer Science
基金 国家863高技术研究发展计划资助(基金编号:2006AA01Z409)
关键词 目标点 广度优先搜索 顶级前缀 扩展前缀 Probing target, BFS, Top prefix, Span prefix
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