
基于Pi-演算的工作流模式描述 被引量:2

Workflow Patterns Description in Term of Pi-calculus
摘要 工作流模式包含了业务流程的基本特征和共性,其实现依赖于具体的流程建模语言或方法。Pi-演算是一种进程代数,可以应用于业务流程的形式化建模。本文使用Pi-演算作为业务流程形式化的工具,对存在多种BPMN表示的工作流模式进行形式化建模,以探究工作流模式Pi-演算的描述,检验Pi-演算对业务流程行为特征的表现能力。 Workflow patterns contain basic features of business process. How to implement these patterns depends on the modeling languages and methods. Pi-calculus, as a kind of process algebra, can be applied in business process model- ing. This paper uses Pi-calculus, as a formalizing utility, to investigate some workflow patterns that may have multiple presentation versions with BPMN. The main goal is to explore expressive capabilities of Pi-ealculus regarding business process and check representations of workflow patterns in Pi-calculus.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期191-194,共4页 Computer Science
关键词 业务流程建模 工作流模式 PI-演算 Business process modeling, Workflow patterns, Pi-calculus
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