
透析患者出血性疾病的诊断与治疗 被引量:3

Diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhagic disease in patients undergoing dialysis
摘要 出血性疾病是透析患者常见的严重并发症之一。各种因素导致的血小板功能异常是引起尿毒症患者出血的主要原因,多表现为出血时间延长。充分透析,积极纠正贫血可以预防及治疗尿毒症患者的出血。可以采用去氨加压素、雌激素和冷沉淀等药物治疗。临床上还需要重视与尿毒症治疗相关的出血性疾病,包括抗凝剂过量导致的出血性疾病及肝素诱导血小板减少。 Hemorrhagic disease is one of the most serious complications in patients undergoing dialysis. The primary cause is platelets dysfunction that Results from various kinds of factors. Prolonged bleeding time (BT) is the most common laboratory abnormality. Adequate dialysis and correction of anemia would prevent and treat hemorrhagic diseases. Several medications, such as 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (dDAVP) , estrogen and cryoprecipitate, are useful treatment options. Hemorrhagic disease derived from overload of anticoagulants and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) , which Results from the treatment of uremia, should also be carefully recognized and treated.
作者 王莉
出处 《实用医院临床杂志》 2008年第4期31-33,共3页 Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
关键词 尿毒症 透析 出血性疾病 诊断 治疗 Uremia Dialysis Hemorrhagic disease Diagnosis Treatment
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