
去除D江异嗅的饮用水处理工艺选择研究 被引量:7

Selection of Treatment Process for Removal of Odor of Drinking Water from D River
摘要 为去除C市D江饮用水中的异嗅,研究了强化混凝/KMnO4预氧化、强化混凝/粉末活性炭吸附和臭氧/活性炭工艺对水中异嗅和CODMn的去除特性。结果表明,臭氧氧化是去除异嗅的关键工艺。强化混凝/高锰酸钾预氧化及强化混凝/活性炭吸附工艺对异嗅和CODMn均有一定的去除作用,需要根据水中致嗅物质的组成和有机物特性进行选择。但当硫醇硫醚类致嗅物质与土嗅素和2-MIB并存时,强化混凝组合工艺无法完全去除水中的嗅味。当进水嗅阈值<35、CODMn<8mg/L时,臭氧/活性炭深度处理工艺可以完全去除D江水中的嗅味,并且对CODMn也有很好的去除效果,但在水质再恶化时需联合使用强化预处理等工艺方能达标。 In order to remove odor of drinking water from D fiver in C City, China, a study was performed on the removal characters of odor and CODM. with enhanced coagulation/KMnO4 preoxidation, enhanced coagulation/powdered activated carbon adsorption and ozone/activated carbon processes. The results show that the ozonation is the key process to remove odor. The enhanced coagulation/KMnO4 preoxidation or enhanced coagulation/powdered activated carbon adsorption have certain removal effect on odor and CODMn. They should be selected according to the composition of odorous compounds and the characteristics of organic matters in water. However, when thiol or thioether coexists with geosmin and 2-MIB, the combined processes of enhanced coagulation can not remove odor thoroughly. When TON is less than 35 and CODMn is less than 8 mg/L in inlet water, the ozone/activated carbon process can remove odor in D fiver water thoroughly, and it also has a good removal effect on CODM. If the water quality gets worse, the ozone/activated carbon process should be combined with enhanced pretreatment to assure that the treated water is qualified.
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第15期40-43,共4页 China Water & Wastewater
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50778097) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAC26B03)
关键词 饮用水 嗅味 CODMN 强化混凝 高锰酸钾预氧化 臭氧/活性炭 drinking water odor CODMn enhanced coagulation potassium permanganate preoxidation ozone/activated carbon
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