
基于价格理论和博弈论的接入控制策略 被引量:4

Pricing and game theory based admission control scheme
摘要 采用柯布-道格拉斯效用函数构造一种价格函数,实现了在不同的负载条件下各类业务之间资源使用的公平性。当并发用户到达时,采用博弈方法来选择接入用户,以此进一步保证资源使用的公平性。由于可视电话和IPTV业务可以接受一定程度的丢包,数据业务可以接受一定程度的延时,在系统没有足够的资源来接入新用户业务时,为了提高系统资源利用率,采用博弈的方式来决定是否对已有的业务进行降级处理还是阻塞新用户。分析与仿真实验表明,所提出的价格函数和博弈方法可以较大地提升不同负载条件下各类业务之间资源使用的公平性,同时以较小的丢包率和延时的代价来大大提高系统的资源利用率。 By using Cobb-Douglas utility function to construct a price function, the fairness of resource utilization under different load condition was achieved. To be closer to the real system, it is assumed that more than one user could be considered at the access moment, and a game is used to judge the access, which guaranteed the fairness use of resource. Since video and IPTV can tolerate a certain degree of packet lose, and the data can tolerate a certain degree of delay, therefore a game is used to decide whether to degrade ongoing calls or to reject a new call request to maximize the resource utility under the precondition of fairness of resource utilization. The analysis and simulation results show that, by using this pricing function and game approach, the fairness of resource utilization is well achieved, while the resource utilization is maximized.
作者 张慧 方旭明
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期94-102,共9页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60772085) 西安电子科技大学综合业务网国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(ISN8-01)~~
关键词 呼叫接纳控制 价格函数 博弈论 纳什均衡 公平性 call admission control pricing function game theory Nash equilibrium fairness
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