

An Inquiry into the Scientific Thought of Two-Leap of Agriculture——and the Path of Agricultural Modernization with Chinese Characteristics
摘要 产业的基础性和弱质性是当代农业的根本矛盾,着力克服弱质性已成为矛盾的主要方面。农业生产关系的具体形式必须适应农业生产力独有的特殊性。邓小平关于农业"两个飞跃"的思想,是对我国农业发展历史经验、世界农业发展趋势的科学概括,体现了生产力特点、生产关系形式、市场机制在我国社会主义制度下的辩证统一。中国特色社会主义农业现代化的出路要靠科技创新和组织形式的优化,必须在科学发展观统领下统筹城乡发展。中国现代农业的模式应是以高科技为支撑、高度集约化和适度规模化相结合的多元生态循环农业。建议运用好"两只手"实施"双补贴、一回收、一专营"的大政策,大幅度增加农民收益,使农业变为一个朝阳产业。 Agriculture is the foundation of national economy and it is weak. This is the basic contradiction in contemporary agriculture. To overcome the weakness has become the major aspect of the contradiction. The specific form of production relation of agriculture must adapt to the uniqueness of agricultural productivity. Deng Xiaoping' s "two - leap of agriculture" thought is the scientific generalization of the historical experiences of the development of our country' s agriculture and the development trend of agriculture in the world, embodying the dialectic unification of the characteristics of productivity, the form of production relation and the market mechanism under the socialist system of our country. The agricultural modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics must rely on scientific and technological innovation and optimization of organizational form, and the development of urban and rural areas must be coordinated under the Scientific Outlook on Development. The model of Chinese modem agriculture should be diversified ecological recycling agriculture, based on high technology, developed in an intensive way and a proper scale. It is suggested that "the two hands" be used well to carry out the policy of "dual allowance, one recycle and one franchising", so as to increase peasants' income and make agriculture a sunrise industry.
作者 杨承训
机构地区 河南财经学院
出处 《中国井冈山干部学院学报》 2008年第4期92-98,共7页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan
关键词 农业“两个飞跃” 科技创新 农业现代化 生态循环农业 "Two leap" of agriculture scientific and technological innovation agricultural modernization ecological recycling agriculture
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  • 1列 宁 著,中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局 编.列宁全集[M]人民出版社,1988.








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