介绍了高弹性改性沥青 SMA10在广东省汕头嚳石大桥中的应用情况。详细介绍了本工程所用 SMA10混凝土的材料特性及其在施工前准备、混合料的生产、运输、摊铺及各阶段所须注意的事项。并根据该工程的施工效果提出了相应的建议,为相似结构的桥梁的施工提供了借鉴。
This paper presents the application of modified high flexibility asphalt SMAIO on Shantou Queshi Bridge in Guangdang Province. In this paper, material characters of SMAIO concrete used in this project, preparation before construction, all aspects needed to be considered during producing, transportation, paving and every stage of composite are set forth in detail. Furthermore, corresponding proposals are brought forward according to the construction effect of this project, providing use for reference to the construction on bridge with similar structure.
Building Technology Development