
儿童热性惊厥脑电图与临床的关系 被引量:1

EEG and its relation with clinical signs in children with febrile convulsions
摘要 目的:探讨小儿热性惊厥(febrile convulsions,FC)脑电图(electroencephalogram,EEG)与临床的关系。方法:126例热性惊厥患儿进行EEG描记与分析。结果:126例患儿1周内及1周后EEG异常率分别为69.84%、32.54%;1周内及1周后均为<3岁组及抽搐反复发作组异常率高;高热惊厥组及低热惊厥组EEG1周内异常率无显著性差异,1周后以低热组异常率高,与高热组比较,有显著性差异。98例表现为单纯性热惊厥,28例表现为复杂性热惊厥,EEG出现痫样放电的异常率分别是3.06%、25.00%。结论:EEG异常率与年龄、发作次数、抽搐时体温有关。复杂性热惊厥转为癫痫的可能性大。临床要重视复杂性热性惊厥、反复发作、小于3岁和低体温抽搐的患儿。 Objective: Discussion on the EEG and its relation with clinical signs in children with febrile convulsions. Methods:EEG were examined in 126 cases of children with febrile convulsions and EEG data ,was analysized. Results: The abnormality rate of EEG was 69.84% in a week; the abnormality rate of EEG was 32.54% after a week; The results showed that the EEG abnormality rate in children with the relapse times of FC and age under three years was significantly higher whenever in a week or after a week. In a week,the EEG abnormality rate had not statistics significance between the group with high and low body temperature, but after a week, the EEG abnormality rate in children with tow body temperature was significantly higher than that in children with high body temperature, which had statistics significance. 98 cases were simple FC,28 cases were complicated FC. The abnormality rate of EEG with epilepsy was 3.06%,25%. Conclusion: The abnormality rate of EEG is related ,with age, recurrent FC and body temperature. Complicated FC is easy to develop into epilepsy.Enough attention must be paid to those children with complicated FC,recurrent FC and FC with age under three years and low body temperature.
作者 梁钻勤 叶欣
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2008年第22期58-59,共2页 China Medical Herald
关键词 热性惊厥 脑电图 儿童 Febrile convulsions EEG Children
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