
欧盟农药风险评价发展现状 被引量:2

Current Status of Risk Assessment of Pesticides in European Union
摘要 论述了农药风险评价的必要性和遵循原则。介绍了欧盟国家现行的农药风险评价模型和指标体系。以农药风险评价指标POCER为例,阐述了建立风险指标的标准操作程序,以及如何表征农药施用过程中和施用后其残留对环境(土壤、水体、鱼类等)、人体健康(经由饮食、皮肤、呼吸等途径接触)的风险。对我国农药风险评价工作提出了可行建议:直接引进国外已较为完备的评价模型,基于某一农业示范区域对模型加以修正,逐步实现评价模型的推广应用。 The necessity and guiding principles of pesticide risk assessment are discussed. The model framework and the indicator system of pesticide risk assessment in European Union countries are introduced in detail. Take POCER indicator currently used in Belgium for example, several specific aspects are illustrated, including the standard operation procedure of the risk indicator, and the description of the risk of pesticides to the environment (e.g., soil, water, and fish), and to human health(by diet, derma, inhalation) during and after the application. Doable proposals are put forward for the pesticide risk assessment system in China: firstly importing the existing pesticide risk assessment model from abroad directly, and then correcting this model based on a small demonstration zone, and finally realizing the application and extension of the corrected model.
出处 《农药》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第8期547-550,557,共5页 Agrochemicals
基金 绿色农业产地环境评价与预警技术研究(2007-10)
关键词 91/414/EEC 农药 风险评价 模型 POCER 风险指数(RI) 91/414/EEC pesticides risk assessment model POCER risk index(RI)
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