1Arvind Subramanian and Aaditya Mattoo, Currency Undervaluation and Sovereign Wealth Fund. A New Role for the World Trade Organization, Center for Global Development Working Paper Number 142 (February 2008)
2Robert M. Kimmitt, Public Footprints in Private Markets Sovereign Wealth Funds and the World Economy, Foreign Affaires (January/February 2008)
3Victoria Ruan, China's Investment Fund Pushes Back, Wall Street Journal (March 7, 2008)
4Interrational Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds is Established to Faciltate Work on Voluntary Priciples IMF Press Release No. 08/97, available at http.//www. imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2008/pr0897.htm (May 1, 2008)