Objective To explore the clinical diagnosis and treatment of legionella pneumonia accompanied with methicillin resistant staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) septicemia. Mathods A case of legionella pneumonia accompanied with MRSEsepticemia was reported. The literalures were reviewed, and diagnosis and treatment of legionella pneumonia were discussed. Results Laboratory reported that the myelogenous culture grew MRSE. We started using vancomycin Temperature of the patient was decreased gradually after using vancomycin for3 days, and was normal after vancomycin therapy for 9 days. From March 5 to 20, serologictests made twice shown that titer of antibody to legionella pneumophilia serogroup LB and LL was increased from 1:8 to 1:32. Conclusion The clinical diagnosis of legionella pneumonia accompanied with MRSE septicemia should be made according to diagnostic criteria of legionella pneumonia combination with MRSE grew comfirmed by blood (or myelogenous) culture. The treatment need to combine vancomycin with new macrolides or fluoroquinolone.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine