OBJECTIVE Understand the commercial sex workers(CSW) and the basic situation of dangerous behavior, in Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou, to assess the effect of intervention against the crowd and the future development of effective interventions by providing ba- sic information and reference basis. METHOD In accordance with the request of the national HIV surveillance and monitoring pro- grammes in Zhejiang Province, used the one-to-one survey to the target population for investigation. RESULTS In the 358 CSW, the average age is 23 years old and the percent of education level below junior high school is 91.60%. The correct answer rate of AIDS-re- lated knowledge is 74.02%. The main source of AIDS knowledge was from of television, accounting for 92.30%. In the last month, the rate of each CSW who used condoms when they have sexual relations with other persons is 41.06%. CONCLUSION We Should be with local conditions and make full use of television, newspapers and other ways which the CSW are happy to accept to extensively carry out the education activities of AIDS, strengthen the use of condoms and AIDS health testing, to make the intervention plan and do the activities of interventions.
Chinese Primary Health Care
female commercial sex worker, AIDS, the behavior of monitor