Pearl S. Buck' s first novel East Wind: West Wind tells us a story by the pattern of a Chinese young woman' s monologue, reflects the conflict between tradition and modernity, between the new and old powers in the Chinese society around the May 4th New Cultural Movement, and stresses how the influence of modernity has changed the traditional Chinese family structure and women' s fate. This paper analyses the first half of the novel' s feminist narration from the two perspectives of sociology and narratology, pointing out that during the course of modernization, Chinese women' s liberation must face the inborn suppression of the traditional culture, the challenge of westernized self image and the domination of the male other. Buck lets the habitually silent Chinese women voice their feelings and thus turns the novel into a valuable yet often ignored documentary book.
Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Edition)
Pearl S. Buck
East Wind: West Wind
feminist narration