
一种基于随机进程代数的软件性能预测方法 被引量:1

Software Performance Prediction Approach Based on Stochastic Process Algebra
摘要 性能是软件系统的内在属性之一,主要取决于体系结构选择和软件设计。基于模型的性能预测方法可以在软件开发完毕前得到性能需求满足情况的评价,也可帮助系统进行性能规划和调优。使用随机进程代数PEPA对J2EE应用交互过程进行了建模,该模型描绘了远程调用过程和容器处理过程的细节,能有效反映分布式应用中影响性能的主要因素。基于PEPA模型提出了一种面向COTS系统的性能预测方法,并可用于指导改进系统的响应性和可伸缩性。通过一个J2EE实例验证了方法的有效性。 Performance is one of the inherent attributes of software system. It is mainly decided by the selection of software architecture and designing information. Whether the performance demands are meet can be evaluated by model-based performance prediction technologies, So do the capability projecting and the fine-tuning. The interaction process of J2EE was modeled using Performance Evaluation Process Algebra (PEPA). Remote invocation and container processing details are represented in the model, and major performance factors of distributed J2EE application are reflected. A COTS-oriented performance prediction approach based on PEPA models was proposed. It can help to improve responsibility and scalability besides predicting system performance. The approach was verified by a J2EE application case study.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第15期3996-3999,4024,共5页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 性能预测 性能模型 COTS PEPA J2EE应用 performance prediction performance model COTS PEPA J2EE applications
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