

Design of general object network management platform based on MOF
摘要 提出了一种基于MOF的通用对象网管平台。该平台将模型驱动思想应用在软件开发过程中,将软件开发基于一个高层次的模型化抽象,将软件开发过程转换成对象建模过程,逐步建立整个网管平台的模型体系结构。对象建模不受具体实现技术和平台的影响,能够快速的实现网管软件的升级和扩充,解决当前网管软件所要面临的灵活性、多样性和易变性等问题,迅速适应网络的不断扩容、业务的不断扩展等需求。 A MOF-based distributed general object network management platform is presented. The project designed of the platform adopt the modeling idea of model driver, In addition, the model driver idea is applied in the software exploitation process, in this way, the software exploitation process based on a high layer model abstract, software exploitation process switch to object modeling process, and works up model system structure of whole network management platform. The object modeling hasn't limit to material implement technology and platform, it could not only realize the fast upgrade and expansion of network management software, resolve the problems of agility, diversity and changeability that is up against by currently network management software, but also could rapid adapt the demands of network continuous expand and operation continuous enlarge.
作者 葛建梅
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第14期3589-3591,共3页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 北华大学科技发展基金项目(2006069)
关键词 模型驱动 MOF 网管 对象建模 model driver MOF network management object modeling
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