Margolo Romero对奥林匹克广播已经轻车熟路.他不了解的地方几乎是风毛麟角。Manolo Romero是国际体育电视最有影响力的人物之一。他是奥林匹克广播服务公司(OBS)常务董事,也是北京奥林匹克转播有限公司(BOB)首席执行官,拥有几十年奥运会电视报道的相关经验。
What Manolo Romero doesn't know about Olympics broadcasting probably isn't worth knowing. Regarded as one of the most influential figures in international sports television, the managing director of Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS) and chief executive officer of Beijing Olympic Broadcasting (BOB) boasts several decades experience in television coverage of the Olympic Games.