采用“3414”回归最优设计原理设置小麦肥效试验,根据试验结果获得肥料效应函数方程,由此数学模型得出理论氮、磷、钾最佳施肥量分别为N184.5kg/hm^2、P2O5 78.0kg/hm^2、K2O 58.5kg/hm^2,最佳产量7021.5kg/hm^2。综合分析结合当地农业生产实际,潮土类两合土的氮、磷、钾建议施肥量分别为180~225kg/hm^2、75~90kg/hm^2和60~75kg/hm^2。
By the ‘3414' manure trial, the optimum theoretical fertilizations of N, P and K were 184.5 kg/hm^2, 78.0 kg/hm^2 and 58.5 kg/hm^2, respectively. According to the comprehensive analysis with the production practice, the suggestive application of N, P and K in aquic-fluvial soil were 180 -225 kg/hm^2, 75 -90 kg/hm=and 60 -75 kg/hm^2.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences