随着相关技术的不断完善和成熟,RFID产业将成为一个新兴的高技术产业群,成为国民经济新的增长点。该文根据EPCglobal^TM Class 1 Generation2标准中有关RFID跳频频率的规定,结合RFID射频前端的开发要求,设计出一款新型的RFID频率合成器。频率合成器以Analog Devices Inc公司的时钟集成电路AD9540(内含DDS模块)为核心,通过单片机AT89C51加以配置及控制。输出的DDS跳频信号与800MHz信号混频得到射频前端所需的832-858MHz跳频信号,通过滤波及放大最终输出。实验证明,基于DDS的跳频速度快,频率精确度高,各方面性能指标符合标准要求。
With the continuous improvement and maturation of related technologies, RFID industry will become a new high-tech industry group and a new economic growth point. Based on the frequency hopping rules in EPC- globalTM Gen 2 Protocol and the design requirement for RF front-end, this paper designs a new RFID frequency synthesizer. The Analog Devices clocking product AD540 is the core of the frequency synthesizer, including a DDS core. AT89C51 is used to configure and control the synthesizer,and the output DDS hopping Signal is mixed with a 800 MHz signal. Then,after filted and amplified, the synthesizer generates 832-858 MHz FHSS Signal RF front end needed. Experiment proves that various performance indicators meet the required standards because of the high frequency hopping rate and the high frequency accuracy of DSS.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
与Crystal Instruments Corporation合作)(KHY063106007)