A study was conducted on high-density young plantations of three native trees (Albizia lebbeck, Albizia. procera and Tectona grandis) and one native woody grass species (Dendrocalamus strictus) to examine their influence on total nutrient concentrations of coal mine spoil during early phase of plantation establishment. Soil samples were analyzed for total organic carbon (SOC), Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and phosphorus (TP) at spoil depths of 0-10 and 10-20 cm under 4- and 5-year-old plantations of all species. A significant effect on concentrations of total SOC, TKN and TP were observed due to plantation age, species and soil depth. However, corresponding con- centrations (SOC, TKN and TP) were substantially lower at spoil profile of 10-20 cm. In comparison, plantation ofA. lebbeck showed greater SOC and nutrient concentrations followed by D. strictus, A. procera and T. grandis, respectively. Therefore, present study clearly indicates attributing qualities of plantation towards improving redeveloping soil of mine spoil varied with species.
选择4种人工林,包括3个乡土树种(阔叶合欢(Albizia lebbeck)、黄豆树(A.procera)、柚木(Tectona grandis))和一个乡土草种(印度实竹(Dendrocalamus strictus))的高密度人工幼林,研究了人工林发育早期阶段对印度Singrauli煤矿废弃地土壤养分的影响。在4种人工林4年生和5年生阶段,采集0-10、10-20cm层土壤,分析其总有机碳、全氮和全磷含量。结果表明,林龄、树种和土层对土壤总有机碳、全氮和全磷含量的影响存在显著差异;各林分10-20cm土层中的全总有机碳、全氮和全磷含量较低;4个不同林分对土壤养分的改良效果表现为:阔叶合欢>印度实竹>黄豆树>柚木。说明人工林对煤矿废弃地土壤的改良效果因树种而异。