
快淬纳米RE2Fe(14)B/α-Fe双相稀土永磁材料的晶化行为 被引量:5

Review of Crystallization Behaviors of Melt-Spun Ribbons of RE_2Fe_(14)B/α-Fe Nanocomposites
摘要 综述了快淬纳米RE2Fe14B/α-Fe双相稀土永磁薄带工艺参数对非晶晶化行为的影响,介绍了薄带在磁场作用下的晶化、放电等离子晶化烧结和焦耳加热晶化等方面的研究进展。多数文献表明,采用在两个快淬临界速度之间的辊速制备快淬薄带、再经过晶化的方法,易得到晶粒尺寸相对均匀、磁性稳定的纳米磁粉;随着晶化处理时加热速度的增加,磁性相非晶晶化转变温度逐步提高,进而由α-Fe和RE2Fe14B分别形核长大到两相在同一温度下晶化转变,晶化的纳米晶尺寸更加细小、均匀,中间相的转变受到抑制。磁场晶化、放电等离子晶化烧结和焦耳加热晶化还需要进一步研究。 The effects of wheel velocity, heating annealing temperature and time on crystallizatio rate, n behaviors of the melt-spun ribbons of REEFe14 B/a-Fe nanocomposites were reviewed in this paper. Characteristics of crystallization of this material under different conditions such as in a magnetic field, sintering with spark plasma or with Joule heating were introduced, respectively. Most of the articles reported that the material possessed more stable magnetic properties, more uniform and finer grain size of nanocrystallines magnetic phases after crystallizing of the ribbons, if spinning rates used to prepare the material are beween the two critical ones, and the ribbons are partly amorphous. As the heating rate is increased, at first, the transforming temperature of a-Fe and Nd2Fel4 B from amorphous to nanocrystalline state in the ribbons were enhanced, and then the two phases began crystallinzation at the same temperature. Meanwhile, the grain size became finer and more uniform, and the metastable phses forming during crystallizing is restrained at a higher ower heating rate. heating rate than those at much slThe crystlaUization behavior under the conditions such as in a magnetic field, sintering with spark plasma or Joule heating are to be studied.
出处 《稀有金属》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期360-368,共9页 Chinese Journal of Rare Metals
基金 国家重大基础研究前期专项(2004CCA04000) 国家自然基金(50744014) 凝固技术国家重点实验室开放基金 浙江省自然科学基金(Y406389) 宁波市科技攻关项目(2006B100054)资助 浙江省科技计划重点项目(2008C21046) 江西省重要学科跨世纪学术和技术带头人培养计划资助项目(CA99110901) 宁波大学王宽诚幸福基金资助项目
关键词 纳米双相稀土永磁材料 快淬薄带 非晶晶化 相组成 nanocomposite melt-spun ribbon crystallization phase composition
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