信息技术(Information Technology,IT)工具已日益成为知识传递的重要手段。IT工具主要有五项功能属性,分别是反馈功能、符号多样功能、多人参与功能、重复编辑功能、重复处理功能。本文实证研究了IT工具的五项功能属性对显性知识和隐性知识传递效果的影响,并探讨了知识传递双方所具有的共同经验对IT工具五项功能属性与显性及隐性知识传递效果之间关系的调制作用。研究结果表明,交流伙伴熟悉程度对IT工具的五项功能和显性知识传递效果之间的关系有正向调制作用,其调制作用主要是通过多人参与功能属性实现的。传递双方对交流主题的熟悉程度对IT工具五项功能和显性知识传递效果之间的关系有正向调制作用,其调制作用主要是通过反馈功能、多人参与功能实现的。与此同时,交流伙伴熟悉程度对IT工具的五项功能和隐性知识传递效果之间的关系有正向调制作用,其调制作用主要是通过反馈功能、多人参与功能实现的。传递双方对交流主题的熟悉程度对IT工具的五项功能和隐性知识传递效果之间的关系有正向调制作用,其调制作用主要是通过符号多样功能实现的。
IT tools have become an important means of knowledge transfer. They have five main functional attributes, which are feedback, symbol variety, parallelism, rehearsability, reprocessability. This paper empirically researches on the effects of these attributes on explicit / tacit knowledge transfer effectiveness and the moderating effects of common experience of knowledge sources and recipients on the relationship between these attributes and explicit / tacit knowledge transfer effectiveness. The result shows familiarity of both sides involved in knowledge transfer has positive moderating effect on the relationship between attributes and explicit knowledge transfer effectiveness, which is realized by parallelism functional attribute; familiarity with the communicating subject of both has positive moderating effect on the relationship between attributes and explicit knowledge transfer effectiveness, which is realized by feedback and parallelism functional attributes; meanwhile, familiarity of both involved in knowledge transfer has positive moderating effect on the relationship between attributes and tacit knowledge transfer effectiveness, which is realized by feedback and parallelism functional attributes; familiarity with the communicating subject of both has positive moderating effect on the relationship between attributes and tacit knowledge transfer effectiveness, which is realized by symbol variety functional attribute.
Information Technology
Functional Attributes
Knowledge Transfer