[Objective]To understand the iodine nutritional status among the inhabitant in Zaoyang city and the development of Iodine Deficiency Disease. [Methods]IDD (Iodine Deficiency Disease) monitoring was conducted in Zaoyang city in 2006. [Results]Of the 400 children aged from 8 to 10, thyroid enlargement accounted for 2.98 % ;189 urine samples were tested,the median of urine iodine in children was 235.82 μg/L;IQ was tested for 136 children aged from 7 to 14 ,the mean of IQ in children was 99.46;1 644 cord blood samples were tested,the median of the TSH in cord blood of newborn was 2.63 mU/L and the mean was 3.65 mU/L; 288 household salt samples were tested,the mean of the iodine in salt of inhabitantwas 2 9. 5 3 mg / kg, the coverage rate of the iodine in salt was 9 5. 1 4 % , the qualified rate of iodine in salt was 8 9. 9 3% After the test of the knowledge of Iodine Deficiency Disease prevention and control,the scores of 100 elementary school students in grade 5 were below standard and 25 housekeeping matrons all passed the examination. [Conclusion]The iodine nutritional state in children aged from 8 to 10 in Zaoyang city has reached the more suitable level; it has get close to the target of iodine deficiency elimination.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
lodine Deficiency Disease