In this group, we used ETCO 2 and FiCO 2 to adjust the provided gas flow of Bain circuit in paediatric endortacheal anesthesia 28 paediatric patients accepting N 2O O 2 enflurane inhalant anesthesia were selected After intravenous induction and intubation, the endotracheal tubes were connected with Bain System ,all of them remained spontaneously breathing When a smooth anesthesia was obtained, the gas flow was measured and the minimum flow of non CO 2 reinspiration was considered perfect flow Meanwhile, the corresponding ETCO 2 was recorded Because ETCO 2 is similar to alveolar CO 2 concentration, and the latter one is similar to PaCO 2, therefore, if we assured there was no CO 2 reinspired, there wouldn't be relevant increase of PaCO 2 Furthermore, the minimum flow of non CO 2 reinspiration and spontaneously breathing flow of paediatric patients have great differences among individuals, thus, using ETCO 2 and FiCO 2 during operation to direct the adjustment of gas flow is a method of non invasive, scientific, safe and reliable
Journal of Tianjin Medical University