目的解决PACS临床应用中PACS持续可用性的方案探讨。方法构建三重模块冗余配置的持续可用性影像服务器,通过其中的TMR表决器实现服务器核心的失效备援,由具有失效备援功能的SCSI接口分别连接镜像硬盘、RAID控制器和DLT控制器以形成CA影像服务器的完整系统架构,再用CA影像服务器取代PACS中可能的单一故障点(single point of failure,SPOF)组件。结果使整个PACS具有了99.999%的最高系统可用性比率。结论TMR类CA影像服务器的诸多优势,使其非常适宜于大型医学影像网络和数据库的应用。
Objective A research based on the system solution to achieve the continuous availability (CA) in the PACS clinic application. Methods To design continuous availability (CA),an image server uses triple modular redundancy (TMR) to achieve failover at the CPU/memory level,the complete CA image server made up of mirrored disks, RAID controllers, DLT controllers which are connected to the modules respectively in the TMR through UW or FW SCSI interface with failover mode,can replace the potential single point of failure (SPOF) in the PACS. Results The PACS using CA image server to replace the potential SPOF achieves the highest 99.999% availability rate. Conclusion The TMR CA image server has a good many advantages which made it suitable for largescale medical image network and database application.
Image Technology