研究了Bacillus sp.EL31410发酵生产的弹性蛋白酶粗酶水解可溶性丝素蛋白的特性,并采用凝胶过滤色谱(SEC)方法分析了丝素蛋白弹性蛋白酶解物的相对分子质量分布情况。结果表明,该弹性蛋白酶水解丝素能力强于胰蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶以及Alcalase等几种蛋白酶。弹性蛋白酶水解丝素蛋白的米氏常数K_m= 2.473 mg/mL,最大初速度V_m=0.367μmol/(L·min),最适作用温度是45~55℃,最适作用pH是9.0。凝胶过滤色谱结果显示水解产物的相对分子质量主要在1 000以下(90%以上),主要组分的相对分子质量为565、134,二组分所占比例分别为7.60%和81.80%。
Using soluble silk fibroin as substrate, the properties of elastase from Bacillus sp. EL31410 was investigated and the relative molecular weigh distribution of the hydrolysate was studied by gel filtration chromatography method. The results indicated that the elastase catalyzing on soluble silk fibroin was more powerful than other proteases under tested conditions. The traits of elastase enzymatic action on silk fibroin were defined as the following: Km was 2.473 mg/mL and Vm was 0. 367μmol/(L · min)according to Lineweaver-Burk method. The optimum temperature and the optimum pH were 45-55 ℃ and pH 9.0, respectively. The graph of gel filtration chromatography of fibroin hydrolysate by the elastase indicated that the relative molecular weight distribution profile and its relative molecular weight was lower than 1 000 (above 90%), and its main ingredients were 565 and 134, accounted for 7.60 % and 81.80%, respectively.
Food and Fermentation Industries