自从1975年在挪威北海区域发现valhall油田并从1982年开始生产以来,它每天可以生产大约65000桶的石油。最初用三套设施进行开发,这个联合体已经发展到五个由桥互相连接的平台包括各自的住舱区、钻井、井口装置、生产和注水。此外,三个井口装置平台,Hod、Valhall Flank的南、北侧已经安装调试完毕,每一个距离Valhall联合体大约六千米。
Since the discovery of the Valhall oil field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea in 1975 and the beg nning of its production in 1982, it has supplied approximately 65,000 barrels of oil per day. Originally developed with three facilities, the complex today consists of five bridge-linked platforms for quarters, drilling, wellheads, production and water injection respectively. In addition, three wellhead platforms, Hod, Valhall Flank South and North, have been installed, each about 6km away from the Valhall complex.