
分散聚合研究进展及单分散聚合物微球的应用 被引量:3

Development of dispersion polymerization and the application of monodisperse polymer microspheres
摘要 分散聚合是一种能得到很好单分散聚合物微球的新型聚合方法,该方法已广泛应用于医学、涂料工业、生物工程、化学工业等方面。大粒径单分散聚合物微球在许多领域里有着广阔的应用前景,越来越受到人们的关注。笔者对分散聚合中的反应机理、粒径的控制以及稳定剂和分散介质的研究进展进行了概述,并简要介绍了单分散聚合物微球的应用。 Dispersion polymerization is an attractive method for producing micron-size monodisperse polymer microsheres in a single batch. It has been applied in many fields, such as coating, bioengineering, medicine, chemistry industry etc. Micron-sized monodisperse polymer microspheres have been used in many fields and become a focus in resent years. The reaction mechanism and particle size control in dispersion polymerization were reviewed, stabilizer and medium in the polymerization process were introduced. And the application of micron-sized monodisperse polymer microspheres were simply discussed in this paper.
出处 《合成技术及应用》 2008年第2期25-30,共6页 Synthetic Technology & Application
基金 湖北省科技厅创新团队基金
关键词 分散聚合 单分散 超临界态二氧化碳 聚合物微球 dispersion polymerization monodisperse the supercritical carbon dioxide polymer microsphere.
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