3Peter W.Airasian(1996) Assessment in classroom. [M]McGraw-hill,Inc.p7.
4Kathleen Montgomery(2001).Authentic Assessment:A guide for elementary techars[M]Addison Wesley Longman,Inc.
5Brocks,J. ,&Brooks, M. (1993).In search if understanding:the case for constructivist classrom.Alexandrea, VA:Association for Supervision and Curriculum Developmet. In Kathleen Montgomery(2001 ).Authentic Assessment:A guide for elementary teachers. [ M ]Addison Wesley Longman,Inc. p3.
6Caroline V Gipps(1994).Beyond testing: towants a theory of educational assessment. [M]London:The Falmer Press.p32.
7Diane Hart(1994) .Authentic Assessment: A handbook for educators.[M]Addison- Wesley Publishing Company. p9.