OBJECTIVE It has been known that nephrotic patients have atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP) resistance. Up to now, the mechanism for ANP resistance is still unclear. To explore the mechanism, the effects of volume expansion and the role of ANP A/C receptors on nephrotic edema are investigated in adriamycin induced nephrotic rats.METHODOLOGY Male SD rats, body weight about 200g, were used. Twelve nephrotic rats were induced by administrating adriamycin at 6mg/100g through tail vein injection. And twelve normal rats were set as the control. At the end of the third week of experiment, all the animals were treated with infusion of 2% body weight normal saline, and the inlune clearance (GFR), plasma ANP concentration, urinary cGMP excretion were determined before and after volume expansion. At the same time, the expression of ANP A/C receptors mRNA in rat renal tissue was investigated in the sacrificed animals from these two groups.RESULTS The nephrotic rats had a blunted natriuretic response to volume expansion as compared to the normal control rats(P<001). Although a similar increased plasma ANP concentration after volume expansion were found in the two groups of rats, the nephrotic rats had a reduced rate of UcGMP V after saline infusion as compared to the controls(585±26 to 314±75 vs 602±30 to 9845±168, P<001). Northern blot showed that expression of ANPC receptor mRNA was significantly increased in nephrotic rats(A×area: 1 vs 032,P<001) while no difference was found in ANPA receptor mRNA expression between the two groups.CONCLUSION Nephrotic edema may be related to the high expression of ANPC receptor in nephrotic state.
Chinese Journal of Nephrology,Dialysis & Transplantation