
从语言到心智:认知人类学的理论进展 被引量:1

From Language to Mind:the Theoretic Progress of Cognitive Anthropology
摘要 作为研究人类文化与思维关系的交叉学科,认知人类学经过半个多世纪的发展,形成了独特的研究进路。认知人类学最初与语言学相结合,研究土著民族的语言与感知,强调语言对思维的影响。随着研究的深入,学者们发现文化范式对思维形式的决定性影响。20世纪中后期以来,认知人类学与语言学、心理学和认知科学的研究交织在一起,趋向于关注人类心智及认知过程的分析,这种多学科的融合必将促进人类认知研究的新进展。 Cognitive anthropology studies the relation between human culture and thinking. Initially, cognitive anthropology combined with linguistics, it studied language and perception of aborigines and emphasized language's affect on thinking. But with the in depth research, scholars found that cultural paradigm had the decisive impact on thinking. Since the late 20th century, the research of cognitive anthropology, linguistics, psychology and cognitive science are intertwined, and this will lead to attention to the study of human mental and cognition.
作者 王丽慧 张君
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期94-98,共5页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
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