
领导行为对员工组织政治知觉、组织承诺的影响 被引量:6

The impact of Leadership to the employee's perceptions of organizational politics,organizational commitment
摘要 将组织政治作为领导行为影响员工组织承诺的潜在变量,通过结构方程对287位企业员工进行了实证研究,验证了领导行为、员工组织政治知觉、组织承诺之间的关系。结果表明:在控制了性别和年龄两个人口统计学变量效应后,变革型领导行为能减少员工组织政治知觉,提高员工组织承诺,交换型领导行为则会增加员工组织政治知觉,降低员工组织承诺。经过不同路径模型对比,结果进一步证实组织政治知觉是领导行为影响组织承诺的中介变量。 This study put perceptions of organizational politics as the potential variables of leadership impact employee' s organizational commitment, use SEM and 287 employees were measured in this empirical study ,investigate the relationship between leadership, perceptions of organizational politics and organizational commitment. The results showed that: the control of the sex and age of the two demographic variables, transformational leadership can reduce employee's perceptions of organizational politics, improve employee~ organizational commitment; Transactional leadership will increase employee's perceptions of organizational politics , reduce employee's organizational commitment. After comparison of different paths model, the results further confirms that perceptions of organizational politics was a mediator factor between leadership and organizational commitment.
作者 贺邵兵 周箴
出处 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期90-93,共4页 Scientific Management Research
关键词 变革型领导 交换型领导 组织政治知觉 组织承诺 Transformational Leadership Transactional Leadership Perceptions of Organizational Politics Organizational Commitment
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