文章通过分析IPTV(Internet Protocol Television)的发展现状和传统的C/S(客户机/服务器)模式所面临的问题,对P2P的工作原理和P2P技术在网络电视中的应用进行了分析,介绍了一种P2P IPTV解决方案,并讨论了应用中存在的问题和发展趋势,对IPTV的发展具有一定的指导意义。
This paper first analyzes the developmental status of IPTV and the disadvantages of C/S mode, and then analyzes principle of three P2P modes and the application of P2P technology in IPTV. Finally, it gives a solution of IPTV and discusses the unresolved topics and development trends in this application, which is of certain guidance for the development fore ground of IPTV.
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