Objective The objective of this study was to develop a rat orthotopic lung tumor model. Methods Forty female Wistar rats weighing 169 g±10 g were anesthetized intrapefitoneally with pentobarbital, tracheotomized and intubated with an uhrafine catheter for inoculation with Walker' s tumor cells ( 1 × 10^5 - 5 × 10^5 ). Pathological examination was performed and the tumor take rate was determined. Results 39 rats survived among the 40 operated animals. The tumor take rates were 60%, 80%,90% and 100% for implants with 1 × 10^5 - 5 × 10^5 tumor cells respectively. Conclusion The present rat orthotopic lung tumor model was shown to be feasible: the take rate was high, surgical mortality" was negligible and the procedure was simple to perform and easily reproduced.
Laboratory Animal Science