
长期施肥和气候因素对东北黑土区玉米产量的影响 被引量:9

Long-term Effects of Fertilization and Weather on Corn Yields in a Clay Loam Soil in Northeast China
摘要 本试验以公主岭国家黑土监测基地为平台,研究玉米连作条件下施肥及气候因素对产量的可持续性影响。试验共设有机肥和化肥N、P、K的不同组合共24个试验处理。结果表明,与不施有机肥相比,施用常量有机肥和高量有机肥(FYM1、FYM2)均可以显著提高玉米产量,产量分别达到7668kg/hm2和7925kg/hm2,FYM(无有机肥)处理为5718kg/hm2。有机肥配施化肥比单施化肥也有明显的增产作用,施用N肥165kg/hm2可以显著增加玉米产量,单施磷素、钾素及磷钾配施增产作用不明显,表明土壤中的磷钾营养水平没有限制作物产量。降雨量与产量的相关分析结果表明,磷、钾处理的产量与8月份的降雨量显著相关。 A long-term monocuhure corn experiment was established at Gongzhuling, China, to study the sustainability of com grain yield under the conventional management. Twenty-four treatments consisting of different compositions of chemical N, P, K, and farmyard manure (FYM) were included. Farmyard manure treatments produced more com grain yields(7 668 kg/ha and 7 925 kg/ha in FYM1 and FYM2) compared to that of non-FYM treatment (5 718 kg/ha). The application of 165 kg N/ha increased grain yield significantly, but the addition of P, K or PK gave no significant response, suggesting that the soil supply of these nutrients did not limit com yield. Com grain yields in- creased and remained relatively constant with time in fertilized and FYM addition treatments and decreased in no-fertilizer addition treatment. Precipitation in August was proportional to com grain yields only to P and K treatments. Adequate application of fertilizer and FYM can sustain monocuhure com production.
出处 《玉米科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期179-183,共5页 Journal of Maize Sciences
关键词 玉米 施肥 产量 气候 Corn Yield Farmyard manure Weather
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