
水稻野败型细胞质雄性不育恢复基因Rf3的定位 被引量:9

Mapping of Fertility-Restoring Gene Rf3 for Wild-abortive Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Rice
摘要 以珍汕97A/明恢63的F2群体为材料,应用SSR标记对水稻野败型恢复基因Rf3进行定位。该试验从F2分离群体中筛选出119个极端不育单株组成隐性基因定位群体。针对水稻第1染色体短臂Rf3所在染色体的可能区间,应用37个SSR标记检测亲本,从16个多态性标记中挑选出9个检测定位群体。结果表明物理位置连续排列的SSR标记RM10353、RM1195和RM3746各有8个单株与Rf3基因发生了单交换,且重组子数表现为最少,据此可将Rf3定位于这3个标记的两侧标记内。因此最终将Rf3定位在相距679.9kb的SSR标记RM10338和RM10376之间。 SSR marker-based gene mapping of Rf3 for fertility-restoration of rice wild-cytoplasmic male sterility was conducted using an F2 population derived from the cross Zhenshan 97A /Minghui 63.The mapping was performed using the recessive class consisting of 119 extreme sterile individuals.Parental polymorphism survey was conducted using 37 SSRs located in the probable region for Rf3 on the short arm of rice chromosome 1.Of the 16 polymorphic SSRs detected,nine were selected to test the extreme sterile individuals.RM10353,RM1195 and RM3746 which were located consecutively in the segmental map each showed eight single crossover with Rf3,and this number was the lowest among the numbers of recombinant observed between the nine SSRs and Rf3.This result indicates that Rf3 was located in the genomic region covered by interval RM10353-RM1195-RM3746 and its flanking markers.Thus,the Rf3 locus was mapped between RM10338 and RM10376 that have a physical distance of 679.9 kb.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2008年第8期114-117,共4页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 山东省农科院青年基金项目"水稻野败型恢复基因Rf3物理图谱的构建"(2005YQ011) 山东省农科院高技术创新基金项目"水稻转基因分子育种技术平台的构建"(2007YCX007) 中国水稻研究所基本科研业务费项目"水稻分子育种技术共享 优异材料创建与利用研究"(2006RG003)。
关键词 水稻 野败型细胞质雄性不育 育性恢复基因 SSR标记 rice(Oryza sativa L.),wild-abortive cytoplasmic male sterility,fertility-restoring gene,SSR marker
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