
InGaN太阳能电池材料电学与光学性质的辐射研究 被引量:1

Radiation research of electrical and optical properties on InGaN solar cell materials
摘要 研究表明,In1-xGaxN合金材料的能隙能连续地从0.7 eV改变到3.4 eV,使得该材料有可能成为太阳能全光谱材料系.研究发现这些合金材料的电学特性表现出用高能质子(2 MeV)照射比当前常用的太阳能光伏材料如GaAs和GaInP有更高的电阻,因此,给受到强辐射的太阳能电池提供了巨大的应用潜力.实验观察到这种材料对辐照损伤具有不敏感的特征,该特征可用带边局域的平均振荡结合缺陷能给予解释.该缺陷能用In1-xGaxN合金的Fermi能级的稳态能描述. It was shown that the energy gap of In1-xGaxN alloys can be continuously varied from 0.7 to 3.4 eV, which can make it possible for multi-junction solar cells materials to provide a full-solar-spectrum material system. It was found that the electronic properties of these alloys exhibit a much higher resistance to high-energy(2 MeV)proton irradiation than the standard currently used photovohaic materials such as GaAs and GalnP, and therefore offer great potential for radiation-hard solar cells. The ob- served insensitivity of the semiconductor characteristics to the radiation damage was explained by the location of the band edges relative to the average dangling bend defect energy represented by the Fermi level stabilization energy in In1-xGaxN alloys.
出处 《山东大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 2008年第4期102-106,共5页 Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science)
基金 广州市LED工业研究开发基地 香港健隆投资有限公司研发资助项目
关键词 太阳能电池 INGAN 辐照损伤 光致发光 Fermi能级 solar cells InGaN irradiation damage photoluminescence fermi levels
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