目的观察舒芬太尼复合咪唑安定在甲状腺手术强化麻醉的效果。方法择期行甲状腺手术病人60例,随机分为两组,每组30例。实验组静注咪唑安定0.04 mg/kg,持续泵注舒芬太尼0.3μg/(kg.h)-1;对照组单次静注度冷丁1.0 mg/kg,氟哌利多0.05 mg/kg。观察两组各时间点心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MBP)变化,评估镇痛、镇静效果。结果实验组血流动力学平稳(P<0.05);VAS镇痛评分实验组低于对照组(P<0.05);Remesay镇静评分实验组高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论舒芬太尼复合咪唑安定在甲状腺手术强化麻醉中效果更满意。
Objective To observe the enhanced anesthesia effect of sulfentanyl combined with midazolam in thyroid operation. Methods 60 cases of such patient were divided into two groups (30 per each) randomly. The test group was treated with sulfentanyl and midazolam the control group was treated with dolantin and droperidol. The HR, MBP and analgesia were assessed. Results All data in test group were better than those in control group in hemodynamic status, VAS score and Remesay score P 〈 0.05. Conclusion This combinative use of sulfentanyl and midazolam might reach the ideal enhanced anesthesia effect daring thyroid operation.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal