
动词屈折形态表征与加工研究——以联结主义和双机制为视角 被引量:3

A Study of the Representation and Processing of Verbal Inflectional Morphology within the Framework of Connectionism and Dual Mechanism Theory
摘要 动词屈折形态的表征与加工已经成为关于语言加工性质争论的焦点。联结主义认为使用单一机制的神经网络系统足以解释规则和不规则语素变体;双机制则认为需要规则系统和联想记忆两个不同的机制对此进行解释。近年来,联结主义和双机制对动词屈折形态的表征与加工进行了大量的理论研究,提出了各自的模型,并用相关的实证研究对各自理论进行了验证。 The representation and processing of verbal inflectional morphology has become the center of the debate on the nature of language processing. On one side of the debate are the connectionist approaches which hold that both regular and irregular verbs are processed via one single mechanism in associative memo- ry. On the other side of the debate are dual-mechanism approaches which posit that regular verb forms are computed in a rule-processing system while paper first reviews the models proposed by irregular verbs are processed in associative memory, The present the two approaches. It then introduces relevant empirical studies from the perspective of experimental paradigms. Finally, suggestions for further research are discussed.
作者 李燕
出处 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期89-93,共5页 Journal of Anhui University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 动词屈折形态 表征 加工 联结主义 双机制 verbal inflectional morphology representation processing connectionism dual-mechanism
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