
对培养的软骨细胞形成生长板样软骨组织的研究 被引量:3

Study on Reorganization of Growth-plate-like Tissue by Isolated Chondrocytes in Culture
摘要 用家兔肋软骨生长板软骨细胞,进行高密度培养,快速增殖,大量合成细胞外基质,重新构建成了在形态和代谢方面高度分化的、与生长板软骨极为相似的生长板样软骨组织。 Growth-plate cartilage was organized into four cellular zones containing resting , proliferat- ing , maturing and hypertrophic cells. Rabbit chondrocytes were isolated from growth-plate costal cartilage of 4-week-old New Zealand rabbits , and the cells were transferred into a plastic cen- trifuge tube and centrifuged. The cell pellet was incubated at 37 ℃under 5 % CO2 in air. The cul- tures were reorganized into growth plate-like tissue which could be seen 7 - 14 days after cell seeding. This growth-plate , histologically , was organized longitudinally into cellular columns and horizontally into four cellular zones containing resting , proliferating , maturing and hyper- trophic cells. The hypertrophic cells in the upper were large in size and round or oval in shape , and the proliferating and the mature chondrocytes in the lower were small in size and spherical or elongated in shape. These chondrocytes were surrounded by an extensive matrix. Biochemically , DNA content of cultures began to rise on the 2nd day after cell seeding and reached a plateau after 10 days. The uronic acid content increased from day 4 and reached the maximum on day 1 5. In contrast in the early culture , alkaline phosphatase activity was extremely low , and it began to rise on day 9 and was the highest on day 20. The sequential increase of DNA , uronic acid con- tents and alkaline phosphatase activity were analogous to the in vivo changes of growth-plate chondrocytes .
出处 《高技术通讯》 EI CAS CSCD 1997年第12期38-42,共5页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 "八五"攻关 国家自然科学基金
关键词 软骨细胞 生长板软骨 形态发生 组织工程学 Chondrocyte , Growth-plate cartilage , Morphogeny
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