Aluminum nitride (AIN) nanowires, serrated nanoribbons, and nanoribbons were selectively obtained through a simple chloride assisted chemical vapor deposition process. The morphologies of the products could be controlled by adjusting the deposition position and the flux of the reactant gas. The morphologies and structures of the AIN products were investigated in detail. The formation mechanism of the as-prepared different morphologies of AIN one-dimensional (ID) nanostructures was discussed on the basis of the experimental results.
Aluminum nitride (AIN) nanowires, serrated nanoribbons, and nanoribbons were selectively obtained through a simple chloride assisted chemical vapor deposition process. The morphologies of the products could be controlled by adjusting the deposition position and the flux of the reactant gas. The morphologies and structures of the AIN products were investigated in detail. The formation mechanism of the as-prepared different morphologies of AIN one-dimensional (ID) nanostructures was discussed on the basis of the experimental results.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant Nos.10674138 and 20571022.