在路易十五餐厅享用一餐就好像观看一出戏剧般隆重。例如,餐厅服务员为客人上黄油时,将黄油放在大理石托盘中,上扣钟型吹制玻璃罩,玻璃罩上有Jean Claude Novaro的签名。餐厅为客人推荐两种黄油,服务员小心翼翼的用调羹将黄油分成小块放在专门盛放黄油的大理石容器中。客人享用餐前开胃小食的过程也尽显餐厅的别出心裁。
To dine at the Louis XV Restaurant is like watching a grand drama. The waiters or waitresses put butter on the marble tray when serving the guests and the tray is covered by a bell-shaped glass jar with the signature of Jean Claude Novaro. The restaurant recommends its guests two types of butter, and the waiters or waitresses carefully cut butter into small parts with the spoon before putting them into the special marble trays. The process of enjoying appetizers shows uniqueness. Usually, the appetizers are put into a chic crystal glass dishware to present to the guests.
China Food