
经胰管括约肌切开与针刀切开胆总管219例 被引量:1

Pancreatic Sphincter Precutting and Needle-Knife Sphincterotomy in 219 Cases
摘要 目的:通过对比胰管括约肌切开和针刀切开的成功率和并发症发生率,探讨胰管括约肌切开获得胆总管通道的可行性和安全性。方法:对219例选择性胆总管插管失败的病人分别施行针刀切开(NK组n=113)或经胰管括约肌切开(PSP组n=106),分别统计两组切开方法的成功率和并发症发生率。结果:219例中有209例十二指肠乳头括约肌切开成功(95.4%),PSP组成功插管104/106例(98.1%),NK组成功插管105/113例(92.9%)。结论:同针刀切开相比,胰管括约肌切开术有较高的成功率和较低的并发症率,是一项安全、有效的预切开方法。 Objective To compare the success and the complication rates of needle-knife sphincterotomy and pancreatic sphincter precutting in achieving cannulation for otherwise inaccessible bile ducts, and to evaluate the efficacy and safety of pancreatic sphincter precutting. Methods A Total of 219 patients with inaccessible bile ducts underwent pre cut sphincterotomy either by needleknife sphincterotomy (n =113) or by pancreatic sphincter precutting (n = 106). Results In 209 of the series (95.4%), the bile duct was selectively cannulated after pre-cut sphincterotomy. The bile duct was cannulated in 104 of 106 (98.1%) patients randomized to pancreatic sphincter precutting and in 105 of 113 (92.9%) patients who underwent needle-knife sphincterotomy. Conclusions Compared with standard needle- knife sphincterotomy, pancreatic sphincter precutting has a significantly higher rate of bile duct cannulation and a lower morbidity. So pancreatic sphincter precutting is an effective and safe technique for patients in whom selective cannulation of the common bile duct has failed.
出处 《中国中西医结合外科杂志》 CAS 2008年第4期342-343,共2页 Chinese Journal of Surgery of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 胆总管切开 针刀切开术 胰管括约肌 Pancreatic sphincter precutting, needle-knife sphincterotomy, bile duct canulation
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