
工作倦怠与离职意愿:基于浙江省19家高新技术企业的实证研究 被引量:8

Job Burnout and Turnover Intention:Empirical Study Based on Employees from 19 High-tech Enterprises in Zhejiang Province
摘要 针对高新技术企业人才流失严重的现象,以我国浙江省19家高新技术企业的员工为研究对象,对中国背景下工作倦怠和离职意愿之间的关系问题进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,工作倦怠中的情绪耗竭、讥诮态度这两个维度可用于解释员工的离职意愿;并且,不同的年龄、教育水平、工龄、企业性质的员工在工作倦怠和离职意愿上存在显著性差异。 Based on the theories of job burnout and turnover intention, this paper takes the employees from 19 high-tech enterprises in Zhejiang province as the research object,and explores the relationship between turnover intention and job burnout. The result shows that,emotional exhaustion and cynicism can be used to explain employees' turnover intention; there are significant differences among employees with different ages, educational level,length of service and enterprise types.
作者 孟丽君 王飞
出处 《技术经济》 2008年第8期7-13,共7页 Journal of Technology Economics
关键词 离职意愿 工作倦怠 高新技术企业 中国 turnover intention job burnout high-teeh enterprise China
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