
脑动静脉畸形动物模型的初步建立 被引量:9

Preliminary studies of cerebral arteriovenous malformation animal model
摘要 目的:建立脑动静脉畸形(AVM)动物模型。方法:以中国实验用小型猪的颅底微血管网(retemirabile)为畸形团,经颈动静脉吻合等建立脑AVM动物模型;用NBCA胶和Embosphere颗粒分别栓塞;模型建立和栓塞前后行血管造影。结果:成功构建了具有供血动脉、畸形团和引流静脉的AVM模型;造影动脉期显示血液经畸形团向引流静脉分流;栓塞时,胶在畸形团(微血管网)里弥散、聚合良好,颗粒可使其显影逐渐变淡、直至消失。结论:本方法对建立脑AVM急性期动物模型更简单经济省时,并且可靠;该模型在血管结构,造影影像和栓塞行为上与人脑AVM相似,适用于有关的研究和介入医师的培训。 Objective: To establish cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM)animal model. Methods:Using their retes mirabile as AVM nidus,Chinese experimental mini pigs were chosen to create AVM model mainingly by surgical carotid jugular anastomosis. Embolizations were performed respectively with NBCA and with Embosphere. Before and after model creation,angiographies were arranged,as well as pre and post embolization. Results:AVM model with feeding artery,nidus and draining vein was successfully established. Shunting blood flow through rete mirabile to the draining vein was observed by angiography. During embolisation,the glue spread well in rete mirabile, and it, when used particle,would become less and less opacified until disappeared. Conclusions:Our method is more simple and economical, less time comsuing and rather reliable for the establishment of AVM model. This model has highly Similarities to human being's AVM in the angio archtecture,angiographic image and embolizing behavior,thus it is suitable for the AVM research associated and training of interventional staff.
出处 《中华神经外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第6期335-337,共3页 Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery
关键词 脑动静脉畸形 动物模型 Cerebral AVM Animal model
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