Windows CE是一种典型的嵌入式系统,由于其配置的硬件资源的瓶颈,内存资源比一般的PC相对紧张。所以在安装Windows CE的设备下显示大像素图像文件比在一般的PC(Windows2000系统)上更加困难。介绍在Windows CE环境下如何利用分块显示法,对大像素图像进行分块显示。提出首先在PC机上利用网格分块法将一幅大像素图像文件BMP,JPEG图像文件分割压缩成多块像素量小的BMP,JPEG图像文件,对每个小图像文件进行编号,存放到Windows CE PDA上;然后在Windows CE PDA上利用网格检索的方法进行检索所需要的像素块的索引号;最后利用多线程的方法在显示区分块显示,实现大像素图像在Windows CE下的显示。
Windows CE is a typical embedded OS, because of the limitation of its hardware resource RAM of the embedded device is more deficient than traditional personal computer. So displaying a picture with large pixels is harder to embedded device ( Windows CE OS) then PC ( Windows 2000). This essay mainly introduces how to use Separate Blocked method to display a large pixels picture on Windows CE. First, it uses Gird Separate Blocked method to cut a large pixels picture ( in BMP or JPEG format) into small pieces in PC. These small pieces are inde- pendent pixel blocks. Each saved in BMP or JPEG format. Each of small pictures has its index code and then copies all of these small pictures to Windows CE PDA. Second, in the PDA, it uses a Gird Searching method in order to search the index codes of the pixel blocks which are needed. And then, it displays each block with muhithread method.
Science Technology and Engineering