
基于动态交通分配的实时应急疏散交通管理(英文) 被引量:3

Dynamic Traffic Assignment Method for Real-time Traffic Management under Emergency Evacuation
摘要 实施科学有效的应急疏散策略对提高城市交通应急响应能力、节约救援时间和降低灾害带来的生命财产损失具有重要的作用。实时应急疏散交通管理的目的是紧急疏散情况下制定某种目标如疏散时间最短来对交通流实行动态控制。采用动态交通分配方法来进行应急疏散。首先,提出基于疏散时间最短的系统优化交通分配模型。然后运用庞特里亚金最小值定理来获得模型最优解的优化解。仿真算例表明所提出的模型能较好地进行交通应急疏散。 A scientific and effective emergency evacuation traffic management plays an important part in impro ving event reaction ability of urban traffic system, saving rescue time and reducing property losses. The well-studied evacuation planning, real-time traffic management for evacuation aims is carriedout dynamically controlling traffic flow under emergency evacuation in such a way that certain system objective like minimization of evacuation time could be achieved. The proposed approach is based on dynamic traffic assignment by considering the traffic network under evacuation as a dynamic system. First, the dynamic system optimal traffic assignment model based on the shortest emergency evacuation time is established. Second, the optimal solution to the optimal problem is obtained by using Pontryagin minimum principle. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate that the proposed anproach can be effectively carried out in emergency evacuation.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2008年第15期4221-4227,共7页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家"十五"科技攻关项目(2005BA414B09) 国家"十一五"科技支撑项目(2007BAK12B15)资助
关键词 交通管理 应急疏散 动态交通分配 庞特里亚金最小值定理 raffic management emergency evacuation dynamic traffic assignment pontryagin minimum principle
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