
兔输精管微细结构的透射电镜观察 被引量:1

An Observation on Fine Structure of Rabbit Vas Deferens
摘要 应用透射电镜观察了兔输精管上皮细胞和平滑肌细胞。上皮主要由暗柱状细胞、明柱状细胞和基细胞组成。暗柱状细胞富于微绒毛,顶浆上区含膜性小泡、小管和多泡体等;顶浆下区以线粒体为主,核上区主要为高尔基复合体;核下区租西内质网和核糖体丰富。侧面连接复合体以远出现相嵌连接和质膜相随内质网。暗柱状细胞中还可区别出特殊的高茎状细胞,其游离端宽大,胞体细长,顶浆区含成群囊泡和线粒体,顶浆区以下充满大量扩张内质网。从附睾端至壶腹端暗柱状细胞的超微结构逐渐趋于简单化。明桂状细胞与暗柱状细胞结构基本一致,所不同的是胞质清亮,游离面高度隆起凸向管腔,微绒毛短而少,细胞器较少,壶腹端罕见。基细胞形状不规则,核较大,细胞器贫乏。平滑肌细胞的神经肌肉接头较多。本文根据超徽结构待征还讨论了输精管上皮的吸收和分泌功能。 The epithelial cells and the smooth cells of rabbit vas deferens were observed by TEM.The ep- ithelium principally consists of dark columnar cells,pale cells and basal cells.According to the distri- bution of organelles,the cytoplasm of the dark columnar cells with many microvilli can be divided into superior apical cytoplasmal region that shews the small reticles,the small tubes and multivesicular bodies,inferior apical cytoplasmal region that contains the mitochondria and the lysosomes,supranu- clear region that exhibits the Golgi complexes,and infranuclear region that contains the rough endo- plasmic reticulum and the ribosomes.There are interdigitations and companying endoplasmic reticulum along the lateral cellular surface of the dark columnar cell except junctional complex.The stalked cell can be identified through the dark columnar cells.The cell has some characteristics,such as wide and projecting free surface,shorter and less microvilli,tall and slender cellular body,many membranous vesicles and the mitochondria in the apical cytoplasmal region,and many dilated endoplasmic reticu- lure in the portion under the apical cytoplasmal region.All the structure of the dark columnar gell tends towards simplism from the part of the vas deferens adjacent to the epididymis,to the part of the vas deferens and next to the.ampulla.The structure of the pale columnar cell usually is similar to that of the dark columnar cell.But the pale columnar cell deffers a little from the dark columnar cell.Its cytoplasm is clear,free surface highly projects towards the lumen and is generally of shorter and less microvilli.The pale columnar cells contain less organelle and are poor in the vas deferens next to the ampulla.The form of the basal cell is irregular.Its nucleus is larger and the organelle poor.The smooth muscular cells in the vas deferens possess many mortor end-plates.Finally discussed are ab- sorptive and secretive function of the vas deferens.
出处 《湖北医学院学报》 1990年第4期317-321,共5页
关键词 输精管 超微结构 电子显微镜 vas deferens/UL microscope,electron rabbits animals,laboratory
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