
唐山地区10210例成人空腹血脂水平分析 被引量:3

Analysis of fasting serum lipid level of 10210 adults in Tangshan area
摘要 ①目的探讨唐山地区人群血脂水平现状及其与血脂异常患病率的关系。②方法应用Bayer 1650全自动生化分析仪检测我地区10210例成人空腹总胆固醇(1℃)、甘油三酯(TG),比较不同性别和年龄间的血脂水平差别及血脂异常患病率的差异。③结果总体血脂异常患病率异常率56.8%,男58.5%,女54.7%;TC平均(4.81±0.92)mol/L,男TC平均(4.87±0.90)mmol/L,女TC平均(4.74±0.93)mmoL/L;TG中位数1.09mmol/L;男性TG中位数1.14mmol/L;女性TG中位数1.05mmol/L。TC和TG水平随着年龄的增加有增高的趋势,TC在18—40岁组男性显著高于女性(P〈0.01),在40~50岁性别差异不显著,男性略高于女性,在50岁以上女性显著高于男性(P〈0.01)。TG在18—60岁各组男性显著高于女性(P〈0.05),在61岁以上组女性显著高于男性(P〈0.01)。④结论该地区成人中血脂异常患病率较高,并且随年龄增大而增高,男女性别间血脂异常患病率差异有统计学意义。 Objective To explore the status of serum lipid level and its correlation with the prevalence rate of serum lipids abnormity in Tangshan district. Methods The serum total cholesterol(TC) and triglyceride(TG) in 10210 adults were detected with Bayer 1650 instrument of fully - auto - biochemistry - analysis, and serum lipid level and the prevalence rate of serum lipids abnormity were compared in different sexes and age groups. Results The prevalence rate of serum lipids abnormity was 56.8% ,which was 58.5 % in male and 54.7 % in female ; Average TC was (4.81 ± 0.92) mol/L, ( 4.87 ± 0.90) mmol/L in male and ( 4.74 ± 0.93 ) mmol/L in female;TG median was 1.09 mmol/L, 1.14mmol/Lin male and 1.05mmol/L in female. The levels of TC and TG heightened with age increasing, TC in male was higher than that in female in 18 - 40 years old adults( P 〈0.01) , which in male was a litter higher than that in female in 40 - 50 years old adults, but there wasni significant difference, while which in female was significant higher than that in male in more than 50 years adults ( P 〈0.01). TG in male was higher than that in female in 18 -60 years old adults ( P 〈0.05) ,but TG in female was significant higher than that in male in more than 61 years adults ( P 〈0.01). Conclusion The prevalence rate of serum lipids abnormity in Tangshan district was higher and increased with age increasing. There was significant difference in the prevalence rate of serum lipids abnormity between different sexes.
出处 《华北煤炭医学院学报》 2008年第5期587-589,共3页 Journal of North China Coal Medical College
关键词 高脂血症 脂代谢障碍 胆固醇 甘油三酯 流行病学 成年人 High fat blood symptom. Fat metabolism disorder. Cholesterol. Triglyceride. Epidemiology. Adult
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